Definitions: M - Specialty
motion sensor
A motion sensor is a device that uses electromagnetic or ultrasonic signals to detect moving objects. The motion sensor is commonly used in light switches and alarm systems.
References - motion sensor
See the following for additional motion sensor information:
- The Colouring, Bronzing and Patination of Metals Watson-Guptill, February 1991, Richard Hughes, Michael Rowe, ISBN 823007626
- Fundamentals of Residential Construction Wiley; 2 edition, February 2006, Edward Allen, Rob Thallon, ISBN 471681792
- Best Practices Guide to Residential Construction: Materials, Finishes, and Details Wiley, November 2005, Steven Bliss, ISBN 471648361
- Jlc Field Guide to Residential Construction Journal of Light Construction, January 2006, Editors of the Journal of Light Construction, ISBN 1928580289
- 2009 International Building Code: Softcover Version ICC (distributed by Cengage Learning); 1 edition, March 2009, International Code Council, ISBN 1580017258
Common projects involving motion sensor
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