Definitions: M - Foundation
monolithic slab
A monolithic slab is a concrete slab which is cast as a single continuous slab of concrete, without any casting or control joints.
References - monolithic slab
See the following for additional monolithic slab information:
- Moisture Control Handbook Oak Ridge National Laboratory, December 2009, Editorial Staff
- The Portland Cement Association's Guide to Concrete Homebuilding Systems McGraw-Hill Professional; 1st edition, December 1994, Pieter Vanderwerf, W. Munsell , ISBN 007067020X
- Masonry & Concrete Construction Craftsman Book Company; Rev Sub edition, December 1997, Kenneth J. Nolan, ISBN 1572180447
- For Pros by Pros Foundations & Taunton Press; 2nd edition edition, February 2003, Fine Homebuilding Magazine, ISBN 1561585378
- Building Code Basics: Residential: Based on 2009 International Residential Code BuilderBooks, January 1999, Jim Carr, ISBN 867184612
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