Definitions: M - Sheetrock & plaster
molly bolt
Similar - molly
A molly bolt is a threaded hardware device that anchors to a wall and provides a secure method of connecting a screw or bolt to the wall.
References - molly bolt
See the following for additional molly bolt information:
- Drywall: Professional Techniques for Great Results Taunton; 3rd ed. Edition, January 2008, Myron R Ferguson, ISBN 1561589551
- Drywall: Installation and Finishing Delmar Cengage Learning; 1 edition, February 1993, Karen Goad, ISBN 827356056
- Drywall Construction Handbook McGraw-Hill Companies, August 1995, Robert Scharff, ISBN 70571244
- Drywall Clips - Code Notes Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, December 2009, Editorial Staff
- Get Your House Right: Architectural Elements to Use & Avoid Taunton Press, December 2003, George Nash, ISBN 1561585351
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