Definitions: M - Rough electrical
mineral insulated metal sheathed cable
A mineral insulated metal sheathed cable is a type of wiring in seamless copper tubing that is used in high temperature or hazardous applications.
References - mineral insulated metal sheathed cable
See the following for additional mineral insulated metal sheathed cable information:
- Outdoor Electrical Safety Check - Tips For The Safe Outdoor Use Of Electricity United States Federal Citizen Information Center, December 2009, Editorial Staff
- Construction Site Work, Site Utilities and Substructures Databook McGraw-Hill Professional; 1 edition, May 2001, Sidney M. Levy, ISBN 71360212
- NFPA's Residential Wiring Jones & Bartlett Publishers; 3 edition, December 2008, H.B. Stauffer, P.A. Rosenbuerg, ISBN 763752606
- Electrical Wiring Residential Delmar Cengage Learning; 16 edition, December 2007, Ray Mullin, ISBN 1418050954
- Modern Residential Wiring: Based on the 2005 NEC Goodheart-Wilcox Publisher, April 2006, Harvey Holzman, ISBN 1590704436
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