Definitions: M - Design and planning
match line
A match line is a line on a design drawing that projects a location or distance from one portion of the drawing to another portion of the drawing.
References - match line
See the following for additional match line information:
- Residential Housing & Interiors Goodheart-Willcox Co, May 2004, Clois Kicklighter, Joan Kicklighter, ISBN 1590703049
- Interior Design: Materials and Specifications Fairchild Pubns, October 2008, Lisa Godsey, ISBN 1563674874
- Estimating for Residential Construction Delmar Cengage Learning; 1 edition, April 2005, David Pratt, ISBN 1401879470
- Architectural Graphic Standards, Tenth Edition (Book only) Wiley; 10 edition, April 2000, Charles George Ramsey, John Ray Hoke Jr., ISBN 471348163
- Interior Graphic and Design Standards Watson-Guptill; 1st Edition. Edition, October 1986, S. Reznikoff, ISBN 823072983
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