Definitions: M - Tile and stone
mastic spreader or trowel
A mastic spreader or trowel is a tool used to accurately apply tile adhesive.
References - mastic spreader or trowel
See the following for additional mastic spreader or trowel information:
- The Home Decorator's Tile Bible: A Complete Guide to Using and Choosing Tiles Firefly Books, February 2008, Morwenna Brett, ISBN 1554073642
- Tile Style: Creating Beautiful Kitchens, Baths, and Interiors with Tile Stewart, Tabori and Chang, January 2006, Heather Adams, ISBN 158479450X
- Stone: Designing Kitchens, Baths and Interiors with Natural Stone Stewart, Tabori and Chang, October 2003, Heather Adams, ISBN 1584792906
- Carpentry Glencoe/McGraw-Hill; 6 edition, January 2003, Mark Feirer, John Feirer, ISBN 007822702X
- Green Building Products, 3rd Edition: The GreenSpec Guide to Residential Building Materials-3rd Edition ICC (distributed by Cengage Learning); 1 edition, October 2009, International Code Council, ISBN 1435400631
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