Definitions: J - Framing carpentry
joist hanger
A joist hanger is a device used to secure a joist end and transfer a portion of the joist load to the attached framing member.
References - joist hanger
See the following for additional joist hanger information:
- Masonry (Best of Fine Homebuilding) Amer Technical Pub; 4th edition, September 2003, Leonard Koel, ISBN 826907385
- Value Engineered Framing United States Environmental Protection Agency, United States Department of Energy, December 2009, Editorial Staff
- Conventional Light Frame Details City of Stockton California, December 2009, Editorial Staff
- Advanced Framing Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, December 2009, Editorial Staff
- Residential Steel Framing - Fire and Acoustic Details United States Department of Housing and Urban Development, December 2009, Editorial Staff
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